Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Our Identity In Christ

Loved this article that lays out and reminds us of who we truly are in Christ. For those of us who are found in Christ and belong to His family , there are riches unmeasured for us!!! Praise Him for His boundless gifts to us.

The Answer to Every Christian’s Identity Crisis

March 26, 2013 by Paul Tautges | 0 comments
As believers in Jesus Christ it is easy to lose our bearings when we forget who we are. This is every Christian’s identity crisis. The answer is for us to recognize the false identities that have robbed us of the joy, peace, contentment, and security and replace them with what is already true of us because of our union with Christ.
The past year, the Holy Spirit has been renewing my mind and refreshing my soul by directing my focus to portions of the Word of God that emphasize who I am in Christ.
The portion where my heart dwelt this morning is the first half of the book of Ephesians. The first three chapters of the apostle’s great theological treatise are filled with numerous realities that we need to consistently claim as already belonging to us. Along with me, reflect on these 42 truths:
  1. I am a saint, a set-apart-one, set apart by God for God (1:1).
  2. I am a child of God. God is my father (1:2)
  3. I am a servant of God. Jesus is my Lord (1:2).
  4. I am a recipient of every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (1:3).
  5. I am chosen by God in Christ (1:4).
  6. I am predestined (1:5).
  7. I am adopted as a son (1:5).
  8. I am a recipient of God’s kindness (1:5).
  9. I am an object of God’s grace (1:6).
  10. I am in union with the Beloved One, Jesus (1:6).
  11. I am redeemed through His blood (1:7).
  12. I am forgiven of my sin (1:7).
  13. I am a knower of God’s mystery, the mystery of His will in Christ (1:9).
  14. I am a recipient and owner of an indescribable inheritance (1:11).
  15. I am predestined according to His purpose (1:11).
  16. I am a means of God’s glory (1:12).
  17. I am sealed in Christ by the Holy Spirit (1:13-14).
  18. I am a member of Christ’s church, His bride (1:23).
  19. I am loved by God because of His great mercy (2:4).
  20. I am alive in Christ, with Christ (2:5).
  21. I am raised with Christ (2:6).
  22. I am seated in the heavenlies with Christ, awaiting the full experience of the riches of His grace and kindness (2:6-7).
  23. I am saved (2:8).
  24. I am the workmanship of God (2:10).
  25. I am [re]created in Christ for the good works God has already prepared for me (2:10).
  26. I am no longer dependent upon the flesh (2:11).
  27. I am no longer excluded from God (2:12).
  28. I am no longer a stranger to God (2:12).
  29. I am no longer hopeless (2:12).
  30. I am no longer without God (2:12).
  31. I am no longer far away from God (2:12).
  32. I am brought near to God through the blood of Christ (2:13).
  33. I am at peace with God, no longer at war (2:14).
  34. I am a member of one body in Christ (2:16).
  35. I already have free access to the Father (2:18).
  36. I am a fellow citizen of God’s household, kingdom (2:19).
  37. I am built upon Christ and His doctrine given through the apostles (2:20).
  38. I am a stone in God’s temple (2:21).
  39. I am in the Spirit (2:22).
  40. I am a steward of the gospel of God’s grace now revealed (3:2-5).
  41. I am a minister of God’s grace in the gospel (3:7-8).
  42. I am a part of God’s eternal purpose (3:11).
All of this is already true of me because I am in Christ. Hallelujah! What a Savior.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Are You Discouraged?

A very encouraging article that was sent to my blog feed this week on the subject of discouragement!! It spoke to my heart, and whether your in a season of feeling discouraged or will be facing one this the future, this is a great resource and reminder. 

Are You Discouraged?

I have been discouraged in both ministry and life in general at times. I believe devotion can bring discouragement to the life of a believer. One only has to look at the life of someone like Elijah to see that even the most devoted can suffer from discouragement in service to God.

Elijah had a word from God that it would not rain for three years (1 Kings 17:1) and it did not rain until Elijah again received a word from the Lord.

Now it happened after many days that the word of the LORD came to Elijah in the third year, saying, “Go, show yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the face of the earth.” 1 Kings 18:1 (NKJV)

God then instructed Elijah to call together the 450 prophets of Baal and the dueling sacrifices began. (1 Kings 18:20- 38 ) This is a wonderful story and the writing brings forth powerful mental pictures as Elijah, the devoted servant of God Most High challenges these prophets to do whatever it takes to get a response from their god. The beginning of the end of the challenge starts with Elijah’s prayer revealing his job as God’s mouthpiece:

At the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, Elijah the prophet came near and said, “O LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, today let it be known that You are God in Israel and that I am Your servant and I have done all these things at Your word. 1 Kings 18:36 (NKJV)

The challenge ends as God reveals Himself to these people and not only consumes the sacrifice, but the water in the trench! He slays the false prophets, and tells King Ahab to watch for the coming rain. (vs. 41-46) And, it rains!

You would think Elijah would be on top of the world! But he is quickly derailed by Ahab’s Jezebel who threatens his life. Elijah “was afraid and ran for his life” and wound up under a broom tree completely discouraged and asking to die! (1 Kings 19:1-4)

God did not respond harshly to him, He nourished him and gave him rest even while asking him what he was doing out there laying under the broom tree sulking (1 Kings 19:9-14).

Devotion to God can and often does bring the magnificent highs and lows the Elijah experienced. I can distinctly remember having some of those mountaintop types of experiences as I counseled someone through a particularly difficult case, or brought a couple who had been on the brink of divorce back to reconciliation. There is just nothing like the “spiritual high” that comes from service to the King.

On the other hand, I have suffered the agony of defeat (as sportscaster Jim McCay used to say) as one trial and trouble after another crashed upon me and I longed for escape of any kind.

What is the key or secret to living devoted while discouraged? How can you and I not wind up under the broom tree or on some kind of medication for depression or anxiety when faced with terrible discouragement in the midst of serving God?

I believe it begins with the thought life. Focusing on all that is wrong is not helpful, is it? Ask yourself what you are thinking about that is adding to your discouragement and determine if it is true and real (Phil 4:8) or just something that you are conjuring up in your mind.

Then move to your actions, what are you doing that may be adding to the problem? Are you sitting around and staring at the wall, or are you attempting to do something productive? To just sit and mope or meditate on your misery is not helpful at all.

Check your desires next. What do you want to see happen or change? Is what you want something that will honor God or yourself? Do you desire something out of a selfish heart that is focused only on relieving your suffering and misery?

As you move through each of these areas of your heart, hold up your conclusions to the light of the Word. Does each thought, belief, and desire fold into the Word of God or stand apart from it? Can you honestly say you are honoring God in each area?

You see, devotion to the Lord is bound to bring times of discouragement! We are fighting against the flow and pushing against the tide of sinful humanity. Our priorities and perspectives are so vastly different from those of the world that they are bound to collide at times. Our flesh cries out at times for what appears to be the easy life of the unbeliever, who is not held to our biblical standards. It seems at times our trials never seem to end but roll in like waves on the sea.

We must learn to accept these things as a result of our being united with Christ! Jesus said, “In the world you have tribulation” (John 16:33) and it is as true today as it was when He said it to His disciples.

The apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians while imprisoned and nearing the end of his life. He wrote the letter that mentions joy over 16 times and attitude and things of the mind 10 times while chained to a wall in a hole. His letter is a wonderful reminder to us that in spite of our circumstances and discouragement we can still be devoted to the cause of Christ!

I want to encourage you to spend some time in Philippians - especially if you are discouraged. I pray and trust that a few trips through that letter will lift your countenance.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Higher Then High

How many times in a day, in a week, in the course of year do we view situations and circumstances not going Our Way?? How often are we completely content with where we are in life, how often do we have in the back of our minds something we want from God or life? 
For me personally I cannot think of a time in my life that I have stopped and thought to myself life is perfect right now, just the way everything is going right now at this time. Never!!! This saddens my heart more then I can say. Apart from incredible words like, gracious, loving faithful and merciful, all words that describe the character of our Heavenly Father, my ultimate favorite is the word sovereignty. Back in the day before I became a focused student of the Word this was an adjective that would go in one ear and out the other. It was a theological word that I didn't care to understand the importance of. However I can remember the night sitting at youth group listening to my pastor teach on this word, and I remember the Sprit illuminating its meaning in my heart and mind. My life and view of Christ was forever changed. Ever since that day the truth of this one sweet word has proven itself time and time again. Through the joys and many struggles of this life I have found great refuge in knowing and understanding that not only is the Lord good in ALL His ways but He has a detailed plan and purpose in all He has done and will do. 
This morning in my devotions I had the honor of hearing John Pipers heart on the doctrine of Sovereignty. One of my favorite passages on this topic is found in Isaiah 46 and it says this.........

Remember the former things, those of long ago;
    I am God, and there is no other;
    I am God, and there is none like me.10 I make known the end from the beginning,    from ancient times, what is still to come.I say, ‘My purpose will stand,    and I will do all that I please.’11 From the east I summon a bird of prey;    from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose.What I have said, that I will bring about;    what I have planned, that I will do.12 Listen to me, you stubborn-hearted,    you who are now far from my righteousness.13 I am bringing my righteousness near,    it is not far away;    and my salvation will not be delayed.I will grant salvation to Zion,    my splendor to Israel.

I find such comfort and joy when reading this. As a believer we have all hope knowing that the Lord our Protector, our Father, our Redeemer, Healer, Provider, Emmanuel. Not only does He walk through this life, leading  every step of the way, but He knows the end from the beginning, all we have to do is follow. 
Trust me I know the feeling and I tell myself all the time "easier said then done Hannah". We can trust a loving God with our lives, our dreams, and deepest desires because our God longs for our greatest good and His ultimate glory. John Piper said it well, "Nothing absolutely nothing befalls those who love God and called according to His purpose, but what is for our deepest and highest good. (Psalm 84:11)" Take comfort dear friend with me in my God as I rest in His promise to us that no child who loves His will lack ANY good thing. For Him we surely live and move and have our being.