And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ Matthew 25:40 |

I was so humbled and reminded of the truths in this verse today. Soo much has been going on in my life both internal and external with different situations and hard circumstances that I have had to deal with. I was feeling really sad and lonely just sitting, thinking and working on some test questions for class this week. I got a text from my friend Amy asking if I wanted to go to the hospital with her to visit her Dad there. He just recently had a stroke about a week ago and is in the hospital recovering. As we got to the hospital and saw Amy and the love and care that spilt out from her whole body towards her earthly Father was soo sweet to witness. This verse began to play over and over in my mind as I saw the Heavenly Fathers love pour out of her as she served and cared for her Dad and Mom during this tough time! Once again I was able to be there to support her and encourage her and take my eyes off of myself and my situation that is not soo terrible in light of it all. Yet again I am blown away at how the Father cares for us and knows us so intimately so as to give us all we need in the moments we need it most. As the hymn says, "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty the King of creation!"
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