Isnt it the craziest, yet at the same time most blessed and rewarding thing!? This relationship that we enter into with the Lord. This last month or so has been quite the storm to say the least, it has been filled with answered prayer, frustration, joyful , and depressing times. One of my good friends recommended a book to me a few weeks ago and I went ahead and ordered it. It just came in the mail last night, a night when my spirit was waring and fighting with my flesh (I am sure you know the feeling). That time when you know what the Lord has called you to but its easier to just ignore it and continue on, as if we can ignore God and think He will leave us alone! YA RIGHT!!!
On the cover of Elisabeth Elliot's book "God's Guidance" there is a picture of a lighthouse. As I sat there just staring at the cover of this book I could not help but feel this calm and peace as I was reminded that no matter how strong the winds may blow, no matter how battered your sails may be, no matter how much fog is surrounding you as a Child of the King you have the promise that you will never be left or forsaken in ANY storm. Praise God that He is our everlasting lighthouse, whose light never dies , and who is faithful and gracious in leading us safely into His harbor of safety and rest.
God in His Word does not give us advice, He reveals His very will! There is no option here whether to obey or follow if we feel like it. James 4:17 tells us that if we know the right thing to do and don't do it then it is sin. As we step out and make that decision everyday that we are going to follow Jesus there will be storms that come our way gaurunteed. But in these steps of faith we have to believe and remind ourself's that the Father can be trusted that He is sovereign over all.
Elliot say's this about faith: "It is faith that has strength to wait for the rewards God hold's, strength to to believe they are worth waiting for, that they are worth the price."
Father may you be all satisfying to us and may we everyday count the cost and decide yes to following you and trusting you with EVERYTHING!!! Amen.
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