This week in church we finished the last of 3 messages that have been recapping and summarizing the book of Genesis. This weeks topic was all about cities, our roles in the city and the city that is to come that we as Christians look forward to. Their is a very unique universal call that the Lord has placed on us and how we relate to what we know of as a "city". This call to keep , work and populate a city starts way back in the garden of Eden and still stands for us today. We see that this whole idea of a city , dwelling here on earth and contributing to a "city" was all part of Gods plan, but these cities are in fact ever since the fall been corrupted and are full of sinful people. We are on mission in our city to make much of Christ and to build up as many disciples for Gods coming city as we can.
Jeremiah 29:5-7 “5 Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce. 6 Take wives and have sons and daughters; take wives for your sons, and give your daughters in marriage, that they may bear sons and daughters; multiply there, and do not decrease. 7 But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.”
I love how this verse points out that yes, as children of God we are exiles and wanderes on this earth. As we long and wait for heaven the eternal city of God our job here on earth is so very important and still part of Gods plan. You see it is the Lord who determines what city we call home. He is the one who establishes us and orders our steps. God is the one who knows the end from the beginning, His plans are greater then ours. He simply needs our "Yes Lord" and then He has the authority to take us to the deepest , farthest village on the other side of the world, a beach front town , or the middle of the dessert (James 4:13-15). Their are cities , and peoples all over this earth, all of which need to see and experience the love of Chris and hear the Gospel. No matter where you are called to be or where you currently live chose today to be all their. What does this look like you ask?
We live our mission out by seeking the city of God, the one that is to come, the one that we have citizenship in as the Bible tells us. In this present city we are merely on a journey, working daily to bring as many people with us as we can. First thing we don't do is Despise our city , this only forces us into a christian/church bubble where we do not interact with the lost at all. Second we do not Yield to our city we are called to be in this world but not of it , going along and loving all the city loves. Lastly we are not to Use the city, which means taking it for all its benefits and moving along without making an impact or giving back. This is wrong.
We LOVE that "city" that God has called us to by planting roots, living there, building a business there, worshiping there , caring about that city , and doing all you can to reach the lost and contributing to making that city the best it can be for the glory of God. When we look at are calling and purpose in this way its makes us realize that every single person in Gods family is in fact a missionary. Christians in San Diego are just as much missionaries as those in Africa, Russia , China, or the Middle East. We all have been given the same Word of God and the same command to make disciples and to bring as many people with us into the kingdom of God. Are we doing this , and are we doing this to the best of our ability? Are we looking for ways daily to share Christ with people, contribute to the good of our city , and to live as missionaries every day of our lives ?
Ask the Lord to reveal to you where your "city" is and the specific ways He has for you to love and be committed to that city. Until the Lord brings us home to the true and better city may we be found faithful as a family on mission here on earth.
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