Monday, October 20, 2014

What Your Job Teaches You About Life.

It's monday!!!!
You could be feeling like the world is falling apart , like your drowning in a sea. Or
you could feel like your on top of the world , like everything is under control , like your floating on cloud nine. But may I just ask for a small favor from the person reading this ,no matter the situation , or feeling. Just take a.moment , a few short seconds to lay hold of the goodness of God. To think on His sovereignty , His faithfulness , His peace and presence.  Father in this moment we acknowledge your love , all the good things you give to your children and we praise you that in this very moment the wind and waves still know the sound of Your voice.

One of the main things that worried me the most as I faced the reality of coming back to the States was the daunting task of finding a job. Not any job , I was feeling needy and specific in my requirements. Yet again in spite of my selfish heart and it's desires , the Lords provision and love for me overwhelmed me. Through a friend from church I was provided a part time nanny job to a sweet 1 year old boy named Chase. For a week I faithfully poured into this baby but then came to realize I would need to work more then 20 hours a week to live and save for events that are taking place this year . I then graciously got a call from another working family who wanted to use my services for the remainder of the days that I was not with Chase. Just like that in a matter of a full 7 days the Lord has provided not only a job I thoroughly look  forward to every morning. On top of all that I still have clients booking me for weddings, and "kitchen"hair cuts , as well as the opportunity to house sit for some friends over the holidays!!!!!

God is soo gracious in not only blessing His children with the things they need but providing an extra measure of grace, in that He allows us to enjoy and be joyful in those blessings . God loves His children , He desires to give good gifts to us , He glories in satisfying our hearts with its deepest longings. When we are fully resting and satisfied in Him , then our heart is open to receive all He wills for us.

Being around a 12 month old for 5 straight days sometimes up to 8 hours is definitely one of the most exhausting things I've done , but at the same time so rewarding. It is in fact teaching me just what a full time job being a mom will be one day. It teaches you how selfish your thinking and actions really can be. It teaches you patience and understanding , and it teaches you how to filter your words and strive to speak to a toddler in the most Gospel centered way possible. All in all I absolutely love my new job , it allows for much needed flexibility and adventure as I prepare and plan for a new exciting chapter in my life!!

While there is no way I could handle the job of being a mom right now and while that's not the stage of life the Lord has blessed me with at this point in time. It is soo precious to be able to have that desire and love for children satisfied throughout this season of life. Getting to play house is soo fun , getting to have picnics at the park, play dates with other moms who have kids, story time at the library and of course coffee and new fun shops. It's a pretty great setup if I do say so myself. The Lord has mercifully removed the stress and physical pain that I was experiencing prior to Africa and has replaced it with so much more. My Father is teaching daily just how freeing genuine surrender to His plans and purposes can be.

Even now things are happening and plans forming to allow for me to be back serving and living more permanently in Uganda. While there is still so much more to pray about and sort through it is looking like this will be my last holiday season spent in the US for awhile. But that is for a whole other blog post , because it will be a book in itself! Just continue to be praying for me as life continues to change in a great way, that I would be fully willing and able to follow wherever the Lord has me go.

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