Supposedly we are in the middle of the wet season. Which means it rains every day heavily from beginning of August to December. I am located in a very hilly are located in the middle heavy bush and.deep jungle. Dark green emerald landscape filled with trees makes it the most beautiful sight you will ever see.
The past 5 week I have been pondering this word "Adoption" for some time. The word is used daily multiple times especially in the field of ministry i am working. What does this word mean for children of God? For the lost? For helpless, dependant children? This has consumed my mind day and night as I look into faces soo precious to me day in and day out. How can one look into those eyes and be able to say I don't love you , I don't care, I don't want you ? This concept of adoption wether physical or spiritual is a seemingly simple and sweet concept ye it is jam packed with truth that leaves one in awe.
Adoption is to me one of the most precious and beautiful pictures of our relationship with Christ. What He has done for those of us who are His children. Christ in His love chose us who are of no reputation, possess no wisdom, no power, no.strength, and.dependant children. He takes us from the streets , from begging, hunger , nakedness and clothes us in all He is and all He has. With all He has He gives us access to Himself and all He possess. (2Corinthians 1:26-) We become His, and with that take on the full name and eventually nature of Christ our Father. We instantly become heirs , sons and daughters legally. Bought with His precious blood the most permanent and steadfast of all payments. We are promised eternal life when we will reign side by side with our Father. We have not been adopted into just any nice , loving family. Do you understand we have been called and claimed by the king of kings , Lord of Lord's , we are royalty ! If this does not humble you and take your breath away then I don't know if anything will. If this does not change the way you worship , and view the world then may you fall to your knees and ask the Father to do a work.
Earthly adoption is very much the same way. A child abandoned, left with no family to care for him, is placed with a family who chooses to love and care for him as their own. Legally giving him their family name. This indicates that he is part of their family having access to all they possess and acquire. Treated as one and inheriting alll responsibility of a son or daughter. It is mainly a one way street when parents commit to adoption they give of their time, love, money, and resources . Saying we chose to love and care for this child unconditionally wether or not we receive anything in return from them.
How amazing is it that each one of us can experience this in our personal relationships with the Lord? It is only once we have truly experienced and understood this precious concept that we can give it back. Out of our understanding of who we are in Christ flows the natural love for those lost and abandoned. This can be towards anyone but in the case of our discussion this regards children. You are not going to run into someone who out of the goodness of their heart will take in a child on their own. This heart has to be a re-born by the spirit of God who in Himself is all love. So beautiful when I can stare in the face of these sweet babies and with tears streaming down, cradle them.and wisper , I love you!!!! To recognize that love as an extension of the Fathers heart being poured out through me directly and nothing of myself is unexplainable with words.
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, under the law, to redeem those who were under the law. So that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirt of his Son into our heart, crying "Abbas Father. So you are no longer a slave but a son, then an heir through God.
Galations 4:5-7
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