I can't blog this whole time about Africa and not take a few minutes to tell you about some very special people. A large portion of my passion and desire to serve the people of Africa can be credited to these two. My great aunt Carol and uncle Mike have been serving in Africa with an organization called Rafiki for almost 15 years. My family has been supporters of their ministry for years and I can remember having their newsletter laying on the table or on the fridge as a reminder to cover them in prayers. I would always see the precious little faces of the children they were rescuing and the families that were being formed. I strongly believed and prayed the Lord would provide such an opportunity to be a part of. Last week they came to visit Amani to hang out and we were able to have
lunch and ccatch up. I had never remembered meeting them as a young child and they had not seen me for a good 10-12 years.
From a very young age my aunt desired to be a full time missionary wherever the Lord called, while uncle Mike wanted absolutely nothing to do with such things. When their paths crossed later in life they got married and Aunt Carol gave up the desires of her heart out of respect and submission to her husband. Shortly into their marriage Aunt Carol was able to convince her husband to go on a short term missions trip to India. It was on this trip that the Lord graciously called Uncle Mike to the mission field and granted aunt Carol an answer to years of prayer. A year or 2 after that trip the Lord planted this godly couple in the heart of
Uganda right outside Kampala. They sold most all they had said goodbye to family and friends and headed out on the adventure of a lifetime with the Lord as their tour guide. From day one they have considered the people of Uganda their family and will call this place home until they die. They have given their life to serve the children of God and the lost here in every sense of the word. The verse that comes to mind when I remember them is Matthew 12:48-50.
But He replied to the man who told him. Who is my brother? And stretching out His hand towards the disciples He said, here is my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father In heaven is my brother and sister and mother.
Gen 12:1-2
Go from your country an yyour kindred and your fathers house to the land that I will show you. And I will make you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great.
I am so blessed to have both immediate and extended family who love the Lord and take the Bible and more so the great commission seriously. With out these godly examples to look to for inspiration and encouragement I would not be the person I am today. Each one in their own way has had a hand in shaping and molding my thinking , and perspective in regards to the word and the Bible. I have friends who have served all over the world , parents who serve the lost in our own backyard, and sisters who have been to places such as Cambodia , China , Africa , and Europe.
Aunt and Uncle live a few hours from where I am serving in Uganda and made the trip to come spend day with me last week. This weekend I make the trip to go help serve and be part of their ministry. So excited to witness the work that they have labored so lovingly over the last 10+ years. When they speak of the children and friends they have made they speak with such passion and love for these people . It's such a beautiful thing. This couple is one of the greatest pictures of human sacrifice and love I've ever seen. The wisdom they possess, and the biblical world view they have adopted is incredible. I don't believe I've ever met anyone like them in my entire life. I could go on and on but I will spare you , if you want more come to Africa and spend time with them , they will be waiting with open arms.
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