Sunday, August 24, 2014

So The World.Would Know Your Name

What is it about children? They are so innocent. Yet brave , and bold with little to no filter most of the time. They are not shy , they run up to strangers , thinking the best of eeveryone. They are blunt. Will tell you exactly how it is. They will love pretty much unconditionally even after you reprimand them , depending on the age of course hah. Yet there is so much we can learn from these precious little ones. Jesus even goes so far as to compare the standard of what our faith should be to children. Of all the things and people he picks children are what He goes for. This gives us a wide open window into the heart of God . The first thing you usually think of about children is their character of being like a sponge. They soak everything up wether good or bad. They question not for the purpose of arguing but to understand further and satisfy curiosity. Secondly they are dependant on their father (mother) for everything. From food , to protection, to guidance , and discipline. We have so much to learn from a group of people the world deems useless , incapable, and a burden.

Every Saturday Amani partners with some staff at Calvary Chapel Jinja to put on a mini VBS in the village of Bedondo. This is the same village that we visit twice weekly building relationships and inviting kids to come join us on saturdays. This village is predominantly Muslim community. The previous location that the club was meeting at was a school building , when the locals found out our group was teaching the Bible we were kicked out and left to find a new meeting place. Club now meets in an open field in another part of the village.

We play games with the kids , have a time of worship and dancing , then split off by age groups where the children are taught from the Word. I love what Paul Tripp says ," our job is to make the grace of an invisible God visible." That is our exact mission whether it's giving a child a hug, passing around the soccer ball, or helping out the family in practicable ways we want to be the visible hands and feet of Christ. Especially in this village with so much confusion and bondage tied to their religion and culture it is a field ripe for harvest and our avenue is these little children. They come weekly walking from miles and dragging smaller siblings half dressed by the hand. They come expectant , hungry and.desiring to participate and learn more about the Jesus of the Bible.

This week I was sitting with the middle age group, with about 4 kids crammed in my lap you could hear a leaf drop as we sat and listened to uncle Job teach us about prayer. We spoke about what we pray about , when we pray , and who we pray to. And my favorite part Gods response to us when we pray as children of God. We closed with a time of prayer and proceeded to sing I Have Decided To.Follow Jesus and a song about being clay in a potters hand ( completely in ugandan so thats all I understood ). As this group of 30 were singing at the top of their lungs a strong wind rose and filled the field where we were sitting. As if the Spirit of God decided to move in that place bringing a calm peace and presence as we sat worshipping together. It was soo beautiful and I just began to weep and pray for the Lord's protection and blessings over these children and the families they represented. That the Lord would move mightily through these little ones to bring salvation to these muslim homes.

Continue to pray that all obstacles would be bound in keeping the kids from getting to bible club.
Protection , that the Lord would be faithful to provide for their needs. (School fees, nourishment , medical)
That they would come to a saving knowledge of the Lord.
Families salvation.
The Lord would continue to provide workers to go lead and teach these kids every week.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Angels Unaware

This last week I took a few days off and made the very long trek to visit my aunt and uncles ministry organization just about 4 hours north of the village I'm currently living in. A trip I imagined to be no big deal turned into the most stressful and exhausting days of travel I have ever experienced. Hard for me to give you the raw picture of it all with out you being there but I have to do my best! Myself and a couple other volunteers took every form of public transportation that Africa owns. When you hear your taking a taxi I know what your picturing in your head. That was not at all what taxis in Africa are like. Think tiny van with tiny Windows , minimal airflow , no air conditioning , cockroaches scurrying along the floor , seats and sometimes your heard. (And yes one was crawling down my friends face :/ ) Four rows of 5 people crammed across makes for an experience of a lifetime , made the plane ride here feel like a cruise! We then had to change taxis in Africa largest city of Kampala , think NYC on steroid and every other person on the street is a professionally trained pick pocket and you have the right story. Mind you being the only white person anywhere around that I could see has everyone staring , and screaming at you for your attention. So here we were walking from one taxi park to the next looking for the right one to get us the rest of the way to Rafiki. Clutching our huge backpacks to our front and probably a look of terror ob our faces.

Let's just say there is no way we would have made it there and back safely without some divine help and protection. The morning of our trip we preyed that the Lord would protect and guide the entire way. Just like the faithful , loving and gracious God we serve He went above and beyond that request. On the first taxi just before we were going to get off a very well.dressed man in a suit carrying nothing got on. As we then exited he told us to follow that he would show us where we needed to go. He walked us directly to the next taxi and then disappeared. In the same coming back before we had to get off and change taxis in the scary city a lady this time got on and offered to escort us to the next taxi when she then vanished. May not sound like a big deal to you but you have to understand that people traveling always have bags here and people here are not friendly at all to white people especially. You do not run into caring giving people like these very often.

With that being said I could get Hebrews 13:2 out of my head the entire day. I strongly believe that these two were in fact the Lord's angels sent for our help and protection. God continues to go over and above all my expectations and continues to show His love and care for me in practical , obvious ways. LORD knows my doubting faithless heart needs all the support and help it can get. It amazes me how the Lord knows exactly how to minister to our hearts right in the
Stage and season we are in. Depending on the lesson the child of God needs.

Hebrews 13:1-2
 Let brotherly love continue. 2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

God is so good to us. From day one when you decide to submit , humble yourself to the will of God and walk in faith, doing that which He calls us to do we are blessed. The Lord grants grace , and blessings when we are obedient , even in the seasons and situations that are scary , uncomfortable and difficult.
Father grant us the courage and faith to follow you to the lowest and farthest  places of the wolrd. Let us always lean on your power and strength , laying our pride and rights aside for the glory and renown of Your great name.

Incase you were wondering we made it safely to aunt and uncles and our time with them was sweet fellowship. I am so encouraged and humbled by the work that they are doing in their  faithful service. So much fruit being produced and lives being changes by their influence in the village they live.
For more information please check out their website and pray about how the Lord may lead you to partner with them in some way.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Leaving A Legacy

I can't blog this whole time about Africa and not take a few minutes to tell you about some very special people. A large portion of my passion and desire to serve the people of Africa can be credited to these two. My great aunt Carol and uncle Mike have been serving in Africa with an organization called Rafiki for almost 15 years. My family has been supporters of their ministry for years and I can remember having their newsletter laying on the table or on the fridge as a reminder to cover them in prayers. I would always see the precious little faces of the children they were rescuing and the families that were being formed. I strongly believed and prayed the Lord would provide such an opportunity to be a part of. Last week they came to visit Amani to hang out and we were able to have
lunch and ccatch up. I had never remembered meeting them as a young child and they had not seen me for a good 10-12 years.
From a very young age my aunt desired to be a full time missionary wherever the Lord called, while uncle Mike wanted absolutely nothing to do with such things. When their paths crossed later in life they got married and Aunt Carol gave up the desires of her heart out of respect and submission to her husband. Shortly into their marriage Aunt Carol was able to convince her husband to go on a short term missions trip to India. It was on this trip that the Lord graciously called Uncle Mike to the mission field and granted aunt Carol an answer to years of prayer. A year or 2 after that trip the Lord planted this godly couple in the heart of
Uganda right outside Kampala. They sold most all they had said goodbye to family and friends and headed out on the adventure of a lifetime with the Lord as their tour guide. From day one they have considered the people of Uganda their family and will call this place home until they die. They have given their life to serve the children of God and the lost here in every sense of the word. The verse that comes to mind when I remember them is Matthew 12:48-50.

But He replied to the man who told him. Who is my brother? And stretching out His hand towards the disciples He said, here is my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father In heaven is my brother and sister and mother. 

Gen 12:1-2 
Go from your country an yyour kindred and your fathers house to the land that I will show you. And I will make you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great. 

I am so blessed to have both immediate and extended family who love the Lord and take the Bible and more so the great commission seriously. With out these godly examples to look to for inspiration and encouragement I would not be the person I am today. Each one in their own way has had a hand in shaping and molding my thinking , and perspective in regards to the word and the Bible. I have friends who have served all over the world , parents who serve the lost in our own backyard, and sisters who have been to places such as Cambodia , China , Africa , and Europe.
Aunt and Uncle live a few hours from where I am serving in Uganda and made the trip to come spend day with me last week. This weekend I make the trip to go help serve and be part of their ministry. So excited to witness the work that they have labored so lovingly over the last 10+ years. When they speak of the children and friends they have made they speak with such passion and love for these people . It's such a beautiful thing. This couple is one of the greatest pictures of human sacrifice and love I've ever seen. The wisdom they possess, and the biblical world view they have adopted is incredible. I don't believe I've ever met anyone like them in my entire life. I could go on and on but I will spare you , if you want more come to Africa and spend time with them , they will be waiting with open arms.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Wonder Of Your Love

This is a song we sang in church this morning. It sounded very familiar and has been in my head all day. Looked it up back home and it is an old hillsong worship song that made its way all the way to Africa. It's such a beautiful sight to see a room full of Ugandans singing , praising , dancing and celebrating a holy loving God. To witness the joy on their faces as they praise a God who has chosen them , called them, and redeemed them as His own. You can't help but be extra excited and passionate in your worship with them.

You inhabit the praises of Your people
You delight in the glory of Your son
In the love of the father we will worship
In the kingdom of God we find our home
The wonder of Your love
Will break the chains that bind us
The power of Your touch releases us to worship

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Least to the Greatest

Every week some staff from Amani as well as some members from the local Calvary Chapel Jinja travel 45 minutes into the bush to lead a children's club on Saturdays and house visits on Wednesday and Friday. So often when we go on missions trips we pray and prepare for opportunities to serve the community and be a blessing to those we come in contact with. Giving to those in need and sharing the love the Father has for us is our main purpose. I was so overwhelmed by the experience of our house visits this week and it has easily been the highlight of my week. I look forward to interacting and sharing life with these sweet faces a few times a week.
The people in the village live with no running water, no eletricity, a camp fire as a stove, a dirt filled mangles sheet as a door , straw for a roof , one change of clothing and a couple chickens. These people consider themselves blessed, content, and fortunate with close to nothing. The family we visited this week quickly bowed to the ground in greeting us. They proceeded to wash our hands for us before giving us all the seats they owned for our comfort. The mama of the
home prepared a generous portion of lunch, most likely all they had allotted for the entire day for their family. As I was sitting there graciously eating this precious food I was so overwhelmed by the selflessness of this family. Giving up all the best that one has for strangers , to ensure our comfort was to much. It is so easy to get caught up in taking care of yourself , paying bills , eating when your hungry , showering when your dirty , sleeping when tired. We have everything we need whenever we need to want it. We never really have to go without or sacrifice for anyone. When we do it's to the minimum and rare. Yet so often we think of loss or giving up as a negative thing. A painful process that will have you lacking. On the contrary the opposite is true. We see in the Bible that we are blessed , matured , and the most like Christ when we give of ourselves until we have none left. That 's when we feel the most fulfilled. Only then are we giving
Out of the very abundance that is of and from Christ. All we have been given, all we are is because of Christ. How humbly and absolutely beautiful to see this in action from those that you came prepared to serve yourself. The Lord in His love and mercy painted this picture before me with the sole purpose of revealing my heart , it's wickedness and self centeredness. All we need for this life and.godliness is found in Him , may He be enough , our all , our everything. Father strip away those things that compete for our attentions and affections. Jesus you be the center and the reason for life itself.

But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. 

MARK 10:43-45
But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must beslave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Young Braves

There is so much to be learned and discovered about yourself from being around children 24/7. While feelings of loneliness, exhaustion, and chaos can quickly and easily set in. Moments of silence , peace , and conversations with adults becomes quickly appreciated and treasured to a whole new extreme. It has been slightly lonely around Amani with myself being the last and only volunteer for this season minus one girl who arrives tonight for a few weeks. Coming home to an empty home , speaking baby talk all day long , not having real adult conversations for days , and rarely leaving Amani compound has taken a toll. I always have considered myself and introvert , pretty quiet and content keeping myself occupied, but some would argue differently because my close to 1,000 friends on FB alone!!!! I am realizing this is far from the case, I need.people , I need comfortable , I familiarity, I need partnership , I need company especially in the midst of different , challenge and or the unknown.
How easily I am prone to dispare, feel alone, and forgotten. How easily I forget that I am never alone never forsaken even when I'm on the other side of the world seemingly alone. How quickly I sit in a empty room or even in a room full of screaming , laughing babies and ignore the presence of my Father , or recall a song of worship or passage or scripture in those times of need.
I spend the most of my hours in ABC Cottage B which is home to eight beautiful baby girls ages 1-4. These littlest princesses ALWAYS have a smile on their face , a skip in their step, and a song in their heart. If anyone has good enough reason to feel abandoned and alone it would be them. Yet the Lord constantly reminds me through these little ones that I am His , He has called us by name , that He will never leave us alone. He is our helper , comfort , provider, and peace. Faith like a small child Father give it to me. All through the day the babies can be heard belting at the top of their lungs songs like Jesus Loves Me , and Read Your Bible Pray Every Day. Just the things I need my soul to be reminded of on a daily hour by hour basis.

John 14:18-21
I will not leave you as orphans; hI will come to you. Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but jyou will see me. kBecause I live, you also will live.In that day you will know that mI am in my Father, and nyou in me, and oI in you. Whoever has my commandments and qkeeps them, he it is who loves me. And rhe who loves me swill be loved by my Father, and I will love him and tmanifest myself to him.

Monday, August 11, 2014

New Beginnings

As i sit down to write this I am so overwhelmed with the stories and details I could share. My mind tends to go foggy from being exhausted after long days and from having so much to process all at once. Every little thing her has such significance and mesning, being away from home and solely relying on the Lord's love and grace hour by hour makes you view things in such a new light.
Today we settled in to the normal routine that is followed on weekdays. In the morning all the babies ages 2-6 spend time in preschool doing reading, writing , singing , crafts, and working on social skills.
Since I've been here at AMANI we have had the privilege of praying over and sending off 2 of the girl babies. They are now safely reunited with family members. While it is so hard for staff it is then end goal and a happy occasion for all involved. The days here fly by before you can even blink. It was a gorgeous day the babies got to spend quality time outdoors before we headed inside for super , bathes , teeth brushing , story time, prsyers. Of course enough of the most precious hugs and kisses to go around before lights went out. They call me Auntie Hannah, my heart melts every time they yell at me always wanting me to be looking at one of them doing some trick. Or saying cheese in my face which means I want to take a picture with you.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Solid Ground

After the longest trsvel journey of my life , I'm proud to announce that i am safely on solid ground in Jinja Uganda. The Lord tremendously blessed my travels, specific prayers were answered, the transitions were smooth and effortless. Yet again the Lord proved Himself  greater , and faithful.
It is absolutely GORGEOUS here. While everything is soo new and different , it all feels comfortable, natural , and peaceful. Like I am finally home , somewhere where I've belonged to in a sense for a long time. The trees are vibrant green . There are trees and nature all.around. The streets are solid red dirt. Dogs run in and out of sugar cane feilds. The sun glistens off the Nile River and Lake Victoria.
Today marked my first full day her in Uganda. While I slept until 5pm due to serious jet lag, I am having oatmeal and a  good strong cup of coffee for dinner as I write this. Life is so simple her , kids run free and happy in the yard. You have no idea what time or day it is because your busy doing whatever needs to be done. There are no distractions , just a.calm hour by hour being. Tomorrow is Sunday ,  we will be taking some of the older kids to church , eating my first authentic African lunch ,and exploring the town and local markets. Can't wait to fully be immersed in this beautiful new culture. Many memories are being made, there will be plenty of stories and pictures to be shared.
Continue to pray for good health, blessed outreach in the village, and that the Lord would give me heart to honor and glorify him in all things as I begin teaching preschool to these little ones on Monday.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Compelled For This

What compels one to quit their job at the prime ?
What compels one to put life on hold to chase a calling?
What compels one to travel half way around the world?
What compels one to face a world of unknowns?
What compels one to leave the comforts of home to spend 5 weeks with strangers, different food, no running water , minimal WiFi, and tons of bugs?
What compels one to spend 24/7 loving on the least of these, giving all time and energy to show Gods children they are worthy and loved when everyone else in their life screams the opposite?


2 Corinthians 5:
13 For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; if we are of sound mind, it is for you. 14 For the love of Christ compels us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; 15 and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.

16 Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer. 17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 18 Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

This passage explains the reason for my "madness"  to myself and all those around me. Those who support me and those who still consider me crazy. I was talking to a friend this week, who humbly and honestly sat there and told me " I have no desire what so ever to go to Africa ever". This got me thinking and I was blown away by the truth God spoke to my heart in that moment.
FIRST it confirmed for me once again that this calling, and desire God has placed on my heart is real. This overwhelming feeling of HAVING to do something, and go somewhere. Not knowing when , or how, or why but feeling the heaviness that I need to complete a job and be apart of a ministry in this lifetime. Jesus by His grace and mercy has called us each to a specific place, people group, age group, and type of ministry. He has gifted us with different passions, interests , talents, and abilities yet all with the same end goal and purpose. The reconciling of the world to Himself. The spread of His name, His fame, His hope to the ends of the earth. Yes the Lord could complete His task of redeeming His elect to Himself without a single one of us, but for our good and sanctification He allows us a part in it . What a blessing not only for those we minister to but through this process of serving others we for the most part  receive the most ministering to.

SECONDLY I completely was able to process exactly what I was doing and why during this season that the Lord has me in. For years ever since high school I have been a control freak. Always had a plan for every hour, day, week, month, year of my life. Where I would go to college, who I would meet there, when I would graduate, when I thought I would get married, have kids, etc. Much to the opposite God has taken the last couple years and shown me time and time again through the process of BREAKDOWN that His ways are higher , and what He has planned for my  life is far more amazing then anything I could ever plan. Full surrender to the Spirit takes you from a place of comfort and throws you into an adventure of trust, open doors, provision, and the building of new divine relationships. When I sit back and think on all the Lord has been doing and is continuing to work out I am amazed, filled with hope, surrounded by love, all while being guided into the unknown.
When you constantly remind yourself of who you serve , and who your living this life for the scary, unknown, and impossible of this life becomes so small. When times of doubt set in. When funds are short. When you feel nasty sick. When you have to get  close to 20 shots in a matter of a few days. When there are bills to pay. A job to find. Responsibilities to take care of, and decisions to make, through and through Gods peace is there. His faithfulness and proved time and time again. We are called to walk, to trust , to submit, and to follow. No matter what the cost, no matter how we feel and no matter is the call seems just short of impossible.
What has the Lord been calling you to, what ministry has the Lord placed on your heart, what excuses are you currently making as why you can't? These are all things I have to constantly bring before the Lord personally. It is easy to get caught up in comfortable and push aside the hard things, the uncomfortable things to the back burner. I can tell you right now , they never go away, and accepting the challenge of uncomfortable and impossible is sooo fulfilling!!!

For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
1 Peter: 21-25

This song has become the theme verse of my life ever since I started seriously planning my trip to Africa. No matter what the cost Lord we let go of ALL we have just to have ALL of You!