Monday, April 14, 2014

A Faith That Functions

Soo it has been a year since I have opened or written in this blog. It blows me away how much life gets busy, seasons change, and time just keeps going by. In and through all the Lord still remains steadfast and so faithful, amidst the shifting of jobs , feelings and circumstances. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever more. PRAISE THE LORD. He is the rock we can lean upon, the wing we can hide under , and the Shepherd to guide us.

This poem if you want to call it that summarizes my thoughts EXACTLY on faith. Enjoy being refreshed and encouraged as you read this. Provided my a friend's blog!!

“If we think faith lies in achieving—
In getting from God whatever we seek;
To grant us prosperity or freedom from pain,
Or health or companions, or anything we ask.

Then we have not understood
The meaning of faith,
Or the difference between
The spirit and mind.

Feelings are made of the stuff of the mind.
Ignorance and illusion; knowledge and error,
Are the dubious sources
From which they all come.

The spirit and mind are often in conflict.
So says even, the Apostle Paul.
Much goes on within our minds
That never will touch the spirit at all.

As the body may be weak,
And yet the mind be quite strong;
So, the mind may be weak,
While the spirit is strong”.

“God will never leave you, nor forsake you.
To think that He has, is Satan’s lie.
But you cannot test His presence with you
By what you see with human eyes.

No, it is not a lack of faith that is your problem.

It is misconceptions of what faith ought to be.

It is measuring faith by human standards of trust,

And putting weight on what you think or feel.”

Hebrews 11:1
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

Corinthians 5:7
“We live by faith, not by sight.”

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