Walking through Balboa Park the other day on my way to work at the coffee cart my attention was captured. In a the grass to my left was a woman with a table set up for palm readings and fortune telling, she was talking to a lady in her mid 30's. I only caught a few sentences as I was quickly walking my. I felt this huge heaviness as I continued on my and I began to pray for these woman as I was working the rest of the day. The image of them sitting there has been burned in my mind ever since that day and my heart cannot help but break when I think. Here was a woman troubled looking for answers for some kind of hope and here in her life came a woman who was willing to offer her what she thought would be the answer and or solution to the problems she is having in life.
I came to the realization that while some want nothing to do with Christ or so they think there is another group of people, the majority of souls in this world who are searching, grasping for an inkling of hope. Something to hang on to, something to believe in. So often I know I have this mentality in my head that Christ is all mine and as long as I mind my own business in life, go one about life fellowshipping with those who also have Christ that there is no one else who needs or is looking for Christ. On the contrary, yes those of us who are believers have Christ without a doubt and what a blessing that is, but there are so many men and woman like the one I saw getting her palm read who want hope, they have questions and needs and they are hungry for more. They desire to live for something more, to be truly loved and known, and to live a life of peace and joy. While they do not know it they are searching for a Savior, our Great Father and God.
My biggest prayer and desire is that I would not waste one minute and opportunity to show the hope and glory of Christ through my every word, deed, attitude, and smile. May my life scream JESUS to those who see me and come in contact with me. Oh may my life in its entirety point to everything Christ is, everything they don't have, everything they need, everything they can hope, and everything they can posses if only they will come to surrender and believe. Romans 1:16 reminds us not to be ashamed of the Gospel for it is full of the power to save anyone who believes. We are to be the living testimony of the Gospel, the good new of who Christ is and what He has done for us. 2 Corinthians 2:14 also speaks to this very thing saying "Thanks be to God who in Christ always leads us in triumphant precession and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere."
It is so humbling to know that even in our sanctification, in our weakness Christ still uses us as living vessels to spread the knowledge and fragrance of His name throughout the world, in all the places that He has sovereignly placed us. Praise be to God, forever and ever Amen!
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