I had a dream that I would hold a bachelor and hold a certificate that states I finished 1600 hours of beauty school by the time I was 21. For me, to set goals and reach them without quitting or giving up even when I want to with everything in me feels sooo rewarding. Of course I could never have gotten through it without the help of my loving Savior and the support of my family and friends who constantly served as my sideline cheer squad.
To say the least it has been one very very hard and stressful year. A lot took place and there was a lot thrown on my plate, day in and day out I had to choose between quitting or striving forward. I opened and successfully closed yet another chapter in my life and it feels sooo good. School was not an easy task for me to take on , it took a lot of blood, sweat, tears, dedication, hard work, long hours, and sleepless nights just to name a few things. Hahhaaha ohh the joy and happiness I feel to be finished and have all my school years completely and totally behind me.
I am so excited to see what the Lord has for me next. People keep asking me if I know what salon I want to work at or what I want to do next. Honestly I don't know for sure........I know God has huge things out there for me that go far beyond a paycheck and making a living. What that looks like exactly I do not know yet. In the mean time I am remaining faithful to following where He leads and listening for His guiding voice. There are deep desires in my heart that I long for more then anything but that the Lord has asked me to hand over to Him, to wait patiently on, and to trust in His perfect will and timing. While I wait for and anticipate these things to come to pass continue to seek our contentment and peace in the place that He has me in right here and now. This is easier said then done but I am so grateful that I don't have to go it alone, that Savior loving leads me by the hand knowing every high and low place up ahead . That every bend and winding turn in the road has already been mapped out by the navigator of my heart and life. What peace and comfort comes from the knowledge of this great truth. Thank you Lord. Only He know the plans He has for me, but this I do know that they are plans for a hope and future and not to harm or destroy me. Praise the Lord!
Amen indeed big sis. So proud of you. and the way you write is awesome. loved reading this one, especially when i can pick up on references to some of my fav scriptures! so excited to see what He has in store for you:)