Tomorrow is July 4th. It is definitely one of my favorite holidays in the year, I think this is because of the fun traditions that my family established from a vey young age. Every summer we would spend this special day with friends and family, going to the parade, eating food, hanging out at the beach, and watching an amazing firework show. For me it just isn't totally 4th of July unless its spent on the Island of Coronado with the sun, sea, and fun.
This day in America's history marks a great turning point. With out this day America would not have all the freedoms and rights that it so proudly lives with today. On this day we remember all of those men and woman who have sacrificed their lives, time, and energy to ensure that the citizens of this great nation can live in comfort and safety. This day we also take time to recognize those men and woman who are still on the field fighting currently and who will be leaving their families in the future to continue the fight to protect our freedom.
But as a believer I have come to appreciate this theme of freedom that we so patriotically celebrate year after year. For me this day can mean more to me then just celebrating the wonderful blessing I have to live in a country where I have rights and am safe. There is a deeper level of freedom that I can celebrate, my freedom from sin and slavery. For once I was held bondage by this world, it desires, motives, and its lies. Christ in His love, faithfulness and grace reached down and saved me from the battle ground of my own heart and life and transported me into a country where I am kept safe, and held secure till His precious return in the future. As a follower of Christ we can celebrate independence every day of our lives because of the great sacrifice our heavenly Father made for us. His love poured out onto us compelled Him to give His life for our life so that we may never have to die but inherit eternal life. How precious and humbling that thought is, because of Christ's death on the cross we now have all the rights, riches, and blessings through Christ Jesus. All glory be to the One who paid my debt and raised this dying life up from the grave.
Colossians 2:13-15
And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.
hooahh and amen!