Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Inportance of Discipleship

This is a really good article I read this morning on a woman counseling blog I follow. It was a great reminder of how important and truly what a blessing discipleship and mentor ship with those older and wiser woman in the church. It also really convicted me to pursue training and grow in this area of my walk so that I can lead,encourage and mentor other younger woman in my life.

The Blessings of Discipleship 

As women of God we are called on to love and serve one another. As women who are also Biblical Counselors/Disciplers our calling is higher (greater accountability) and more intense because of the issues we help women deal with biblically. All Christian women are to be Titus 2 women. We are to teach women younger than ourselves to have sound doctrine, be reverent as we conduct ourselves at home and in public, keep our tongues from gossip, remain sober of mind, teach what is good, teach those who have husbands and children to love them, to keep our homes clean and safe, warm and welcoming, and to submit to the leadership of our husband.  Paul says that in doing these things the Word of God will be honored. None of those things on the list are easy to do, especially when there are so few examples around us.  I think so little happens in relational discipleship because of the time crunch of daily life and the lack of investment in other people. I am not sure if it is due to a lack of desire, selfishness, or because older women think they are not capable or equipped to be Titus 2 women. I am not sure it is a choice- ya gotta invest. Christian woman, if you are well taught and understand the things of God you are to invest yourself in the life of another woman, maybe two! Biblical Discipleship is all about investing in the life of someone coming up through the ranks. Someone who is following in your footsteps in life. Investing yourself does not happen with a touch and go relationship, it happens in the trenches of relationship. You must be willing to build rapport with her, spend time with her, listen to her, teach her, train her, and even rebuke her when she needs it (2 Tim 3:16).  Investing yourself in another woman is costly. I promise you it won't be easy and it won't always be convenient. But it will be well worth it. You will have to set boundaries to keep time in your life for your personal spiritual growth and for your husband and family and once those are established you should find your relationship with her time well spent. I have seen the blessings of investing my time and energies in several women throughout my adult years.  Some of them were women I would not have chosen, but God knew better who would be a good investment of time and wisdom. These women will grow to be like daughters to you, maybe even extensions of your family. They will see the "real you" for better or for worse, which is all the greater reason to be sure that you can say as Paul did, "Imitate me as I imitate Christ." (1 Cor. 11:1).  Your spiritual life will deepen, and you will grow and change in ways you never imagined as you study and learn to teach her. There are so many rewards involved in such relationships, for both you and for the one you take under your wing.  Begin to pray today about who the Lord would have you to disciple!

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