Gods Word is soo true and perfect. And how many times a day, a month, a year do I fail, doubt, worry, and stress about life and all the joys and struggles that it brings. Life is such a precious gift and all that I have been given is because of the Lords immense love and mercy towards me. While getting ready this morning I had Pandora on and the hymn came on, "How Deep The Fathers Love For Us". That one sentence alone holds so much meaning and depth of truth. The nature of the God we serve is all loving 100% and at the same time through that love forgiving and righteous and holy not wanting that any perish but that all believe for the salvation of their souls. This love of God brings peace in the storms, comfort in hard times, and constant hope in the midst of battles when we remember that Jesus has overcome.
How blessed am I to the point that if I never got married, never had kids, lost everything and anything in this life I could still stand secure in the hope of my salvation. I am a child of the King and my greatest reward is not in this life but in eternity with my heavenly Father. It is this truth that has kept me sane, content, at peace and rejoicing. This season of life has brought frustration, despair, discouragement, exhaustion, and some tears.
I thank God that He knows the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning, that God holds my every moment and day in His hands orchestrating my life for His purpose and pleasure. I thank God for His continued faithfulness in my life as I wake up everyday and with His help and strength strive to keep a right perspective on life and all the hard times that have come about. May we never loose sight of the cross and the life changing work that was accomplished there in the midst of a life that may not be going exactly as planned. When we put Jesus as FIRST in our lives EVERYTHING else will fall into place at the proper timing.
"And I am confidant in this that ALL things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28
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